WhatsApp will Stop Working on Certain Devices After October 24. Is Your Smartphone on the List?

The WhatsApp Announcement

WhatsApp has been an important player in the world of instant messaging, interacting with individuals all over the world. However, as technology progresses, so do the needs for efficiently running such apps. WhatsApp will stop working on certain devices after October 24, and this is the decision made by the authorities.

WhatsApp will Stop Working on Certain Devices After October 24.
WhatsApp’s new update of 2023

Devices Affected on which WhatsApp will Stop Working

The article lists several smartphones and operating systems that will no longer support WhatsApp after October 24. These include older Android devices running Android 4.0.3 and earlier, as well as iPhones running iOS 9 and older. This move is in line with WhatsApp’s commitment to providing a secure and feature-rich experience, which can be challenging on older platforms.

The Implications

For users of affected devices, this announcement raises some important considerations. First and foremost, it means that after October 24, they will no longer be able to use WhatsApp on their smartphones. This might necessitate upgrading to a newer device if they wish to continue using the app.

Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of regularly updating smartphones and their operating systems. Staying up-to-date ensures not only access to the latest features but also security updates that protect against potential vulnerabilities.

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The User Experience Perspective

From a user’s perspective, this announcement carries significant implications:

Functional Limitations

Users of these older devices may find that their current version of WhatsApp begins to exhibit functional limitations even before the cutoff date. Certain features may no longer work as expected, or they might miss out on new features introduced in more recent updates.

Data Migration

WhatsApp advises users to back up their chat histories and consider transferring their accounts to newer devices. While this ensures continuity of service, it can be a complex process, especially for those who have grown accustomed to their current devices.

 Device Upgrade

For many, the most straightforward solution will be to upgrade to a newer smartphone that meets WhatsApp’s system requirements. This may come with additional costs but ensures access to the latest updates, features, and security patches.The users are very curious about WhatsApp’s new update that WhatsApp will stop working on certain devices after October 24

WhatsApp’s Advice

WhatsApp advises users of affected devices to save their chat histories and consider transferring their accounts to newer devices that meet the app’s system requirements. This process ensures a seamless transition to a supported platform.


Q1: Why is WhatsApp discontinuing support for certain smartphones?

WhatsApp is discontinuing support for older smartphones to ensure a higher level of security, better performance, and the ability to provide advanced features. Supporting out-of-date operating systems might lead to risks and limitations in providing a consistent user experience.

Q2: Which smartphones and operating systems will be affected by this change?

WhatsApp will stop working on Android smartphones running versions 4.0.3 and earlier, as well as iPhones with iOS versions 9 and older. Users of these devices will no longer be able to use WhatsApp after October 24.

Q3: What can I do if my smartphone is on the list of affected devices?

If your smartphone is affected, WhatsApp recommends that you back up your chat history and consider transferring your account to a newer device that meets the app’s system requirements. This ensures a smooth transition to a supported platform.

Q4: Will I lose my chat history if I switch to a new device?

You can avoid losing your chat history by following WhatsApp’s instructions to back up your chats before transitioning to a new device. This backup can then be restored on your new smartphone.

Q5: Can I continue using WhatsApp on older devices if I don’t update the app?

While you can continue using your current version of WhatsApp on older devices, it may start experiencing functional limitations and may not receive security updates or new features. WhatsApp strongly advises against using unsupported versions for security reasons.

Q6: What are the benefits of upgrading to a newer device?

Upgrading to a newer smartphone ensures access to the latest WhatsApp updates, features, and security patches. It also guarantees a smoother and more secure user experience, as newer devices are better equipped to handle the app’s requirements.

Q7: Is there a deadline for making the necessary changes to continue using WhatsApp?

Yes, the deadline is October 24, after which WhatsApp will no longer function on the affected devices. It’s advisable to take action before this date to avoid any disruption in your messaging service.

Q8: How can I check my device’s operating system version to see if it meets WhatsApp’s requirements?

You can check your device’s operating system version in the settings or system information of your smartphone. Instructions may vary depending on your device’s brand and model.

Q9: Will WhatsApp extend support for older devices in the future?

WhatsApp has not indicated any plans to extend support for older devices beyond the specified cutoff date. The decision is part of their ongoing efforts to enhance security and performance.

Q10: Where can I find more information about this change and WhatsApp’s recommendations?

You can refer to WhatsApp’s official website or app for detailed information on this change, including instructions on how to back up your chats and transfer your account to a new device. Additionally, you can find resources and FAQs on their website to assist with the transition.


WhatsApp’s decision to discontinue support for older smartphones is rooted in the need to maintain a high-quality user experience, prioritize security, and keep pace with technological advancements. While it may pose challenges for some users, it underscores the importance of staying up-to-date with both app updates and device upgrades in today’s ever-evolving tech landscape.

For users affected by this change, it’s essential to plan accordingly, whether by backing up data, transferring accounts, or considering a device upgrade to continue enjoying the convenience and functionality of WhatsApp.

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